Financial Contributions

Voluntary Contribution

Hawker College is an ACT Public School, funded by the ACT Education Directorate. Voluntary contributions complement the funding received from the ACT Education Directorate and help to enhance the educational experiences and outcomes for our students and can be used in a variety of ways.

At enrolment, we do ask for a voluntary contribution of $150 per year and appreciate that parents/carers continue the tradition of providing financial support to the college's education program through these financial contributions.  The Hawker College community has always demonstrated a strong commitment towards enhancing and supporting the quality education programs through these contributions.

We thank you and appreciate any support that you can provide.

Please note:

The payment of this financial contribution to a government school is voluntary.  The Education Act 2004 guarantees that:

a. Each contribution must be voluntary,

b. A student is not to be refused benefits or services because the student’s parents/carers do not make a contribution,

c. A student is not harassed for contributions, and

d. Any records of contributions are confidential.

To make a voluntary contribution, please visit Quickweb, Westpac's secure online payment system linked to our school.